HALTLOS weaves a poignant and unsettling tale of Martha, a pregnant woman brought to life with raw intensity by Lilith Stangenberg. As she makes the profound decision to place her child for adoption, director Kida Khodr Ramadan delves into the far-reaching repercussions of her choice. The film unfolds as a gripping exploration of the emotional and societal battles surrounding femininity, motherhood, and the pursuit of freedom.
The film was shot entirely handheld, on a very tight schedule, with a minimal crew. Often, we captured scenes in a single take, embracing the unplanned moments and imperfections that emerged. Natural light served as our primary illumination, reinforcing the raw authenticity of the narrative. Just as the story and its protagonist push boundaries, so too did our approach. Yet, amidst this rawness, I sought to infuse a sense of poetry and visual beauty, creating a balance that elevates the film’s emotional and dramatic core. The decision to use Cooke Panchro Classic lenses and forgo a compendium, embracing softness and flares, played a key role in trying to achieve this balance.
kinozeit.de: Cinematographer Stéphane Kuthy captures Martha's journey through the German capital, presenting a deliberately unglamorous backdrop. A film about a young woman who works at a record label and has sex with a married man? That could have easily turned into a dreadful hipster movie. Instead, Haltlos lives up to its title ("Unrestrained"). The film plunges into its subject without knowing where it will end up or where it might find support along the way. It thrives on the courage and intensity of Stangenberg. Her voice is even heard on the soundtrack. At one point, she sings about decay and desolation—only to hurl herself into the next scene full of pain, anger, and disappointment.
Kinostart Deutschland 24.10.2024